Rabi Sowing Report

According to the data provided by the government, the sowing of wheat, paddy, chickpea, and maize has increased, while other crops such as lentils, urad, moong, barley, sorghum, mustard, and groundnut have decreased. The data clearly shows that farmers prefer to sow crops with higher prices. The biggest decline was seen in the sowing of mustard. In mustard-producing areas, farmers have prioritized wheat and chickpea. In Rajasthan, the sowing of wheat is increasing in place of barley. Wheat sowing decreased by 3.1% from the previous year, reaching 293.11 lakh hectares. Meanwhile, mustard sowing dropped by 5.5%, falling to 85.56 lakh hectares. The temperature was also high during mustard sowing in Rajasthan. The sowing of all pulses has remained almost the same as last year, with chickpea sowing increasing by 1.9% to reach 84.42 lakh hectares, while lentil sowing decreased by 0.26 lakh hectares to 16 lakh hectares. Rabi Crop: Production Target (in lakh tons) Wheat: 1150 Rice: 145.5 Maize: 120 Chickpea: 136.5 Lentil: 16.5 Mustard: 138 Barley: 22.5 Total (including other crops): 1645.5

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