Cumin Market report

The price of cumin seed in Unjha was setting new records recently, but now there is a possibility of a temporary break on this rise. The main reason for this is that, traditionally, the demand for cumin slows down in the months of May-June. Apart from this, another major reason is that the new price of cumin in Turkey, Syria is reported to open comparatively low. If the information received is to be believed then the price of cumin seeds from Syria, Turkey is open at $5000-5200 per tonne. Because of this, along with importers, millers are also likely to turn towards these two countries. Even after this latest spurt in cumin, farmers are reluctant to sell their crop. This is the reason that the arrival of cumin in Unjha was reported to be 8-9 thousand bags for the last few days. The main reason for the relatively low arrival is that the crop was damaged especially in Rajasthan due to the rains in the month of March. Apart from this, there is activity in cumin in Unjha market of other traditional importing countries including China. However, due to the price being higher than normal, their procurement is said to be weaker than normal.

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