Central government approves purchase of 1.39 lakh tonnes of gram from Karnataka

The Center has approved the procurement of 1.39 lakh tonnes of gram from Karnataka in Rabi season 2023-24 under the Price Support Scheme (PSS). Union Minister of State for Agriculture Shobha Karandlaje gave this information in a statement on Thursday. Along with this, he said that the Center has released the third installment of Rs 235.14 crore under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) to the Karnataka government for the current financial year. According to the official statement, Karandlaje said that the Agriculture Ministry approved the purchase of 1,39,740 tonnes of gram in Karnataka for the current Rabi season under PSS at the rate of Rs 5,440 per quintal. Regarding the release of funds under the RKVY scheme to the state, the Minister said that the third installment of Rs 235.14 crore will be used by the Karnataka government for the implementation of eight components under the scheme.

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